

  1. School Policy

  2. Code of Behaviour

  3. Lunch Policy

  4. Food and Beverage Policy

  5. Attendance

  6. Assessment Policy

  7. Homework Policy

  8. Dress Code

1. School Policy

It is the Policy of Our Lady of Sorrows School to:

  • provide a safe, secure, environment based on our gospel values and an attitude of non-tolerance for unacceptable behavior

  • offer a "welcome" atmosphere which encourages the interaction of family, educators, students and the community at large

  • provide an environment that recognizes, appreciates, encourages and allows for growth of all individuals which promotes respect for each other and develops self-esteem

  • fulfill their obligation to work to the best of their ability and to behave in such a manner as to promote an atmosphere that allows learning to take place

2. Code of Behaviour

All school members must:

  • respect and follow all applicable laws

  • demonstrate honesty and integrity

  • respect differences in people

  • treat one another with dignity and respect at all times, especially when there is disagreement

  • respect and treat others fairly, regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability

  • respect the rights of others

  • show care and respect for school property and the property of others

  • take the proper steps to help those in need

  • respect all members of the school community, especially those in a position of authority

  • respect the need of others to work in an environment that encourages learning and teaching.

  • seek help from school staff, if necessary, to resolve conflict peacefully

  • not swear at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority

No-Bullying Rules

  • I will not bully others.

  • I will help others who are being bullied by speaking out and by getting adult help.

  • I will use extra effort to include all students in activities.

3. Lunch Policy

All bus students and lunch students must eat lunch at school unless arrangements are made in advanced (written notification to the classroom teacher). Students who are continuously late from lunch will loose school lunch privileges. Other students wishing to eat lunch at school must request permission from the principal. Junk Food (pop, chips, chocolate bars) is discouraged except on special days which will be announced. Those receiving McDonalds for lunch are encouraged to substitute milk or juice for the pop. Microwaves are not available. Pizza day is on Wednesday, Sub day is Friday. Pizza and Subs must be paid by Tuesday at noon. You are welcome to pay in advance! no late orders accepted.

4. Food and Beverage Policy

The nutrition standards embody the principles of healthy eating outlined in Canada's Food Guide, and are intended to ensure that the food and beverages sold in our school contributes to students' healthy growth and development.

Students are encouraged to bring healthy snacks and lunches to school.


5. Attendance

Regular Attendance helps students succeed. Parents are asked to call the school before 8:50 a.m. when a student is going to be absent, please send a note in the agenda explaining the absence. All students require a written note to leave School property. All students are expected to go out for recess except in inclement weather. If your child is too ill to participate in recess he/she should remain home.

6. Assessment Policy

Assessments are conducted periodically to ensure that students are learning the materials and achieving expectations. A variety of assessment strategies/tools are used to measure student achievement. These assessments will be sent home for parent signatures. Grade 3 and grade 6 students will be involved in the Provincial EQAO testing process this year. Most other classes participate in assessment units similar to the provincial tests.

7. Homework Policy

Homework reinforces what has been taught in class, prepares the student for upcoming lessons and helps students develop self-discipline, responsibility and organizational skills.

Parents are the key to making homework a positive experience for their children. We ask that parents check homework from the Agenda and when the student has completed it to initial the agenda. Therefore, we ask parents to make homework a top priority, providing a quiet work environment, provide praise and support and contact the school if they notice a problem. If your child has no homework assigned it would be beneficial for them to read for ten minutes or to practice basic addition, subtraction, multiplication or division facts. Please make sure that agendas get returned each day.

8. Dress Code

Policy - All students wear appropriate attire as part of a collaborative effort to establish a safer and more responsible learning and teaching environment and is defined as a standard of student dress agreed upon by school community: School/Parent Advisory Council. Our dress code stresses neatness, cleanliness and modesty from our students. Logos promoting drugs, alcohol, violence or obscenities are unacceptable. Shorts must be walking length. Shirts or tops must not expose chest and midriff and must extend beyond the waistband. No tank tops or shirts with spaghetti straps. Nose rings, body piercing, jewelry, hooped earrings are not recommended, as outlined in the Health and Safety Standards and must be removed for physical education and sport related activities. Inside shoes must be worn for safety reasons. Excessive makeup, extreme hairstyles/colour and clothing that is deemed to be inappropriate or extreme in nature will need to be rectified at the administrations discretion. Hats and caps are recommended for outside protection.

~ Resources ~

Student Handbook

~ School Info ~

  • Principal: Stacey Malette

  • Vice Principal: N/A

  • Secretary: Kristin Ledoux

  • Grades: JK–Gr. 8

  • School Hours: 8:45 A.M.–3:10 P.M.